
How make recycling exhibit : Kawasaki Eco Gurashi Miraikan/ リサイクル展示の作り方: かわさきエコ暮らし未来館

The generally speaking, the idea of ‘Recycling’ is same, regarding to the cultural, country and regional differences.  How ever, actual interpretation is something different even in the same country, among cities and regions. 
Because there are difference in capabilities and functionality of waste treatment facilities among cities/regions.  Some incinerators are designed to with hold high temperature, which capable to burn plastics without damaging the furnace but some are not, depending on the local authorities.  Most of the regions who burn the plastic waste, they recycle the heat from incinerators.
In case of Kawasaki city, they have strict rule on disposing household waste and the exhibit is informing those waste categories and what the product the recycled material becomes.

Kawasaki Eco Gurashi Miraikan, Knagawa Japan



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