
Sprit of Nikon: Nikon Museum / Sprit of Nikon: ニコン ミュージアム

A themed exhibit corner named ‘Sprit of Nikon’ is installed on the floor  the Nikon’s corporate museum.
It looks like a long self glowing sheet is laid on the middle of the exhibit floor and several display cases with theme related exhibits are place above.

These display cases contain exhibits that indicate values Nikon has always been emphasize on, like lens material, manufacturing technologies, quality and reliability of their products.

The top surface of the display box has used as the graphic space for the texts and graphics.  To tie all display boxes and theme, the graphic on top is also lit from back as if the source light is coming from floor.

Nikon Museum, Shinagawa

Sprit of Nikon」というタイトルのテーマ展示がニコンミュージアムの展示室に設置されています。


ニコン ミュージアム、品川


Exhibit in public place: Shinagawa Station / 公共の場での展示:品川駅

The Sony’s display case installed in Shinagawa Station often shows there interesting corporate public relation attempt.
This time, Sony displayed number of trial assemble parts for a prototype that they used to study during a development of a bland new headphone they just have released.

There are case full of coloured parts, square piece of vinyl leather, coloured anodic oxidation coatings for cast aluminum and injection molded plastics, all are red, but in different shades and tones.

Revealing the developing process is an interesting public relation strategy.

Shinagawa StationJR East







Showing the progress of the technology by comparing the sizes: Nikon Museum / 製品のサイズの比較から技術革新を見せる:ニコン ミュージアム

This exhibit video booth is showing the process of the manufacturing the mother glass sheet for flat monitors.  The floor carpet underneath has white line frames, which indicates how the size of mother glasses becomes enlarged through years of innovation.

It’s quite surprising to see how large the latest production sheet is!

Nikon Museum, Tokyo


ニコン ミュージアム、東京


Showing the history of products: Nikon Museum / 製品の歴史の見せ方:ニコン ミュージアム

When you visit the corporate museum it is always to impressed to see the big collection of their product which speaks for company’s history by itself.

In Nikon Museum, this wall display is such exhibit that lining up all their camera products since 1945.

Nikon Museum, Tokyo


このニコン ミュージアムにも、1945年以降のニコンのカメラ製本全てを並べた展示がありました。

ニコン ミュージアム、東京


Symbol of the exhibit: Nikon Museum / シンボル展示:ニコン ミュージアム

In the exhibit, there are displayed a wall full of Nikon’s cameras manufactured since the end of WWII.

Before approaching a long wall case that display all camera products, a small round case was installed and symbolically displays Nikon’s first single-lens reflex (SLR) camera they released in 1959, Nikon F.

Many press photographers used Nikon F camera for durability and reliability, even place like war zone at Vietnam back then.

Nikon Museum, Tokyo


この展示ケースの手前には、ニコンが1959年に発売した、ニコン初の一眼レフのカメラ、Nikon Fが収められた丸い展示ケースがあります。

Nikon Fはその耐久性と信頼性により多くの報道カメラマンに愛用され、当時はベトナムの戦場などでも使われていました。

ニコン ミュージアム、東京