
Digital Stand-In: National Museum of Japanese History / デジタル顔出しパネル:国立歴史民俗博物館

There was a temporally exhibition, “Digital-Explore the digital world of historical materials”, at the National Museum of Japanese History.
Here I found at the entrance, digital stand-in.

The visitor could fit his/her face on an ancient Shogun, Yoshiteru Ashikaga (1536-65) during Muromachi shogunate era, or portrait of other historic figures.

After displaying your face on the monitor, you could take a picture of that smiling funny image, yourself.

 Digital-Explore the digital world of historical materials:
National Museum of Japanese History




Where’s Waldo?: Digital-Explore the digital world of historical materials, the National Museum of Japanese History / ウォリーを探せ: デジタルで楽しむ歴史資料展、国立歴史民俗博物館

The Rakuchu Rakugai-zu (Scenes In and Around ancient Kyoto ) painting on the Folding Screen show the scenery of everyday life of all classes of people in old Kyoto, represents 1,426 people in total.
The visitor can appreciate the authentic painting and research on the database for those people with touch screen monitor.

Digital-Explore the digital world of historical materials, the National Museum of Japanese History




Try on: Marcel Breuer’s Furniture exhibition at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo/ 被ってみました:マルセル・ブロイヤーの家具展、国立近代美術館、東京

The exhibition floor was not allowed to take any pictures but only the entrance signs and special “photo OP” place where the visitor can take a selfie with wear a same musk that Marcel Breuer used to make a model wear when he took a promotional photo for his infamous “Club Chair B3” or better known as Wassily chair.

So I did…how do you like this?

Marcel Breuer’s Furniture exhibition at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo


