Because of the major earth quakes occurred several
times in past few decades in Japan, protect the buildings from Seismic damage
has been a big issue for building design.
There for, building standard has been revised and stepped up when savior
earth quake hit each time.
The problem of the revised building standard
is easy to apply to the new building but hard for existing building to
follow. Thus in the end, many well known
building represent Japan’s post war modern architectures are questioned where there
through big chunk of money for unti-seismic renovation or demolish.
Fortunately, not this museum. The government decided retrofit the Seismic
Isolation System underneath the building and completed in 1997, a big layered
rubber discs which cut off seismic damage to the building.
Now, if you go basement of this building, the
visitor could see those underground unti-seismic system through a small window
opened on the wall, fitted with a simple information panel.
The National Museum of Western Art, Ueno Tokyo
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