
Kogei, Special Exhibition: Mitsui Memorial Museum 超絶技巧!明治工芸の粋 特別展:三井記念美術館

The museum is an upper floor of the old building:
This special exhibition is displaying the craft works all from Kiyomizu Sannenzaka Museum (http://www.sannenzaka-museum.co.jp/index_e.html), which collects finest craftwork from late Edo to Meiji period when the level of craftsmanship in Japan was considered to be all time high.

Unfortunately, taking pictures were prohibited in most of the exhibit space, only this big Spiny lobster which hand made metal hammering.  The craftsmanship even reaches to make the all joints  movable. 
This exhibit here is worth to see but will end soon.  I strongly recommend anybody to visit Kiyomizu Sannenzaka Museum in Kyoto.

Kogei, Special Exhibition: Mitsui Memorial Museum
Superlative Craftsmanship from Maiji Japan

It used to be the head quarter of Mitsui Bank
You can walk by the old vault 

超絶技巧!明治工芸の粋 特別展:三井記念美術館、東京

Beautiful detail

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