
Attractor: M’s Square / 興味喚起手法:M’s Square

 M’s Square Entrance

A real rocket engine is installed in the entrance hall of the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Head Quarter where also shared with M’s Square, their company showcase exhibit space.

This impressive high tech engine easily attract people’s attention even from out side of the building that visible through grass façade.

It’s common practice to display one of those ‘attractive object’ as a magnet to bring peoples into the exhibit space.

M’s Square, Shinagawa Tokyo

三菱重工業の本社ビルの入り口ホールには、本物のロケットエンジンが展示されています。このホールからは三菱重工の技術のショールーム空間「M’s Square」にもつながっています。

M’s Square、品川、東京

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