
Exhibit Design: How to edit the information in the given space : M’s Square /展示デザインとは:どのように情報を限られた空間内に編集して行くか:M’s Square

 Train interior looks like

Exhibit design is similar to the editorial design in printing business, sort and layout the contents in giving space, on paper in printing and in physical space in exhibition.

In this example, a LRT (Light Rail Train) exhibit is combined with cased train models, big screen monitor for video to play and actual train seats you could try how comfy the seats, as well as supported text panels and brocure stand.

The visitor could compare the shape and detail of the train by inspecting among 4 different the models, enjoy the watching video for train’s inovative features, test the benchs and take home brouchure for learning more details.  A lots of things are well combined many information in a given small corner.

But what got my attention most was the graphic teratment of behind the seats, interior image of the train.
The print out interior image graphic was simply paseted on the glass wall behind but proved to be very effective to create the feeling of inside the train.

M’s Square, Shinagawa Tokyo

The train seat is installed on
other side of the far left window 


M’s Square、品川

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