Kaneda's replica bike that has authorized license plate and allowed to sit on for taking pictures |
Otomo Katsuhiro is one of the charisma
‘Manga-ka’, Cartoonist, in Japanese Manga circle, best known as an author of
the cult cyber punk Science Fiction manga titled “Akira”. It is a story of the ruined Tokyo in 21st. century, Neo
Tokyo, where new city and order were re-developed around the big crater of the
ground zero that resulted by the weapons of mass destruction where off limits
to the Neo-Tokyo citizens and kept a national secrets…
Genga, Otomo Katsuhiro Original Pictures
exhibit was held a couple years ago and I had a chance to enjoy appreciating
his lifelong achievements.
This Original Pictures exhibition covers most
of his work in original, manga and illustrations, from his early days to the latest.
Also every single page of Akira’s original
pictures for its 120 episodes was displayed in the specially designed framed
shelves which able to watch the all-original work from all directions.
Understandably, the exhibition had been
restricted taking pictures in most of the spaces, only allowed for picture
taking was a room where recreated life sized future looking motorbike which a
bike gang leader and Akira’s main character Kaneda was using in the manga.
Genga, Otomo Katsuhiro Original Pictures,
3331 Arts Chiyoda, Tokyo
Specially designed shelves for Akira's original manuscript art work (Took this picture from a room where photo taking was allowed) |
大友克洋 原画展は2年程前に開催され、大友さんの半生をかけた作品を堪能する機会に恵まれました。展覧会では作家のほとんどの作品、イラストやマンガ等の原画が初期の作品から現在の作品まで展示されていました。
大友克洋 原画展、3331 アーツ千代田、東京
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