
Fun Baggage Pickup: Calgary International Airport / 楽しい荷物の受け取り口:カルガリー国際空港

It is a great idea to utilize the baggage pickup space for promoting the local attractions for the city visitors.  At the Calgary International Airport, several tourists attractions, such as, Spurge Meadows, Zoo, Royal Tyrell Museum, Fort Calgary and so on were introduced with fun looking attractive three dimensional figures.  For the first time visitors, this display would encourage to visit some of these locations.
Usually people spend long time waiting for the baggage to appear on the turntable.  It would be nice to have something fun to look around and learn about local attractions than staring the empty turntable with frustration while waiting for the baggage to come out.

Fun and practical use of otherwise a boring place, nice idea and good interpretation.

Calgary International Airport




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