
Exhibit in comparison 5: Tokyo Station Gallery / 比較展示 5:東京ステーション ギャラリー

Tokyo Station and its surrounding in 1914
There was a temporally exhibit held a Tokyo Station Gallery that build in the 100 years old Tokyo station.  This temporary exhibit called ‘Tokyo Station a Hundred Years of Its Legacy’ was just closed last month. 

The Tokyo station had been under restoration for the 100 years anniversary and completed last year.  With its long history, Tokyo station had survived the great Kanto Earthquake in 1923, almost destroyed and lost third floor and roof by the air raid during WW II.  Right after the war, the station was quickly renovated, build simple shape roof directly on the 2nd floor, in order to restore battered train
In 1964
operation ASAP.
For the 100 years anniversary, they restored the station in the original design, added third floor and put the original dome roof.  
In the exhibit they covered wide range of areas related to the Tokyo station.  They displayed artifacts from technical side, architectural drawings, and models, actual construction materials that retrieved from the last renovation, to more popular cultural side, novels and paintings that appeared the Tokyo station.

In 2014
One of the exhibition was displayed three wooden architectural models, Tokyostation in 1914 (made by the students at Kagoshima Univ.), 1964 (made by the students at Kyoto institute of Technology), and 2014 (made by the student at Nihon Univ.)

It is amazing to see how the place had been changing in past 100 years.

‘Tokyo Station a Hundred Years of Its Legacy’. Tokyo Station Gallery, Tokyo

Gallery entrance sign
築後100年になる東京駅内には、東京ステーションギャラリーが併設されています。 開業100年記念の「東京駅開業百年記念 東京駅 100年の記憶 TOKYO STATION A HUNDRED YEARS OF ITS LEGACY」展が先月終了しました。

Restored dome roof

展示物の一つに、木製の建築模型が3 (1914年の東京駅とその周辺:鹿児島大学学生作)1964年 (京都工芸繊維大学学生作)、2014年(日本大学学生作) 展示されていました。


東京駅開業百年記念 東京駅 100年の記憶 TOKYO STATION A HUNDRED YEARS OF ITS LEGACY: 東京ステーション ギャラリー

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